The end is near
This is going to be my year, although I am going to try my very best to make this my year, my year.
It means I am going to graduate around May 2013. For this I am working on a big project and I want it to be stunning, mind blowing and more!
To begin with, I want to take my Tetris project as a base for this new project. The elements that fascinated me are:
- The pieces all together make something new (this can be changed every time).
- The role that the owner has towards his own work.
- The multifunctional pieces, they can be used for other purposes as well.
With this in mind I started thinking about this new project.
Somewhere during the summer holiday I found this pictures of myself. I am around 1 year old. I put it in a frame, and I became more fascinated every time I looked at it. Me being so unaware of what is going to come up to me in live, having so much fun that very moment. I am happy.
So I wanted to use this photo of me, because I feel very bound with the happening on the photo compared to who I am now. The unawareness you see there is pure, and the joy/happiness are still present in my life at this moment. Maybe not in the way you see it on the picture but that is because life changes you.
The things that came across in life where not easy the past few years. Although I always tried to keep the joy in life, stay strong and keep going to reach goals. Graduating is one of those goals and to succeed this goal I am going to make this project. Part of this project means that I want to be the center of attention. (in my own life)
Now the more technical stuff: Since I like ceramics to work with, I decided to take this a bit further.
I took this photo and I zoomed in on it, so you started to see pixels. I downgraded the picture in colour a bit, so you have 10 colors in the end. Each pixel is a square and each square has a colour.
Every square you see is a squared cup, made from porcelain.
The size of each cup will be approximately 9 by 9 cm.
I am going to use pigment in the clay to get the colors.

Here the colours separated, now you can see how many pieces are needed per colour.
I have been counting how many pieces there actually are, and the result is: 1038 pieces in total.
I printed the whole work on actual size, so you can have an idea about how big it will be in the end:
For now I am trying to get the colours right. Here are some pictures of the process:
Then when they are a bit dry, you can take them out of the mold. Next some results:
Here I you can see the result of my stamp as well. I am going to put a stamp in every piece, so you can recognise them all over the world.
I had to check if they did actually matched the colours I was looking for:
Some did and other just didn't or totally didn't match, so I have to repeat this process again and again until I have the right colour...
After it has been in the kiln it will look like this:
Approximately 9 x 9 x 4,5 cm
I want to make 3 different kind of heights.
To give that bit more when you stand next to it. So to visualize this I made this 3D print.
This means, the lighter parts are going to be a bit higher and the darker parts will be a bit lower.
Now I will repeat this process until I've 1038
Update 18-11-2012
A lot of things happend since I last posted.
A few pieces where finished and have been in the kiln for the first time, hard enough to not break that easy.
So time for me to put them in place, to see a bit of where I am working towards.
Adter that, I glazed the first pieces on the inside.
So I started producing more and more, that went quiet quick.
These will be ready after the weekend.
I am having some problems the past few weeks with getting the right pigment. I can't do anything else but wait.
Had a bit left that I could do with another pigment so working on that.
At the moment I have 294 of the 1038.
A lot to go but I have made a lot of mould with a friend recently so I am having 17 at the moment.