Ceramics - Flower Container

We got an assignment at school to make some kind of container for any kind of flower.
The first thing I thought about was a birdhouse with a flowerpot on top of it.
Made a building plan for it:

But I changed plans and made something that is better suited to my vision.

I got inspired by something I saw somewhere at a store:

We always buy a plant with a temporary plastic container around it.
I wanted to give that plastic container a second life.

The idea is: To 'attach' them to each other by shackles.

Now I can start produce a lot off them to create a kind of snake or caterpillar.

The conclusion of this project is: The containers who normally hit the bin, after the plant is planted. Now they have a second life as toys for kids. They can make a string and fantasize that it is a snake or caterpillar. 

Final result:

Material: Porcelain 


prul zei…
Echt leuk ! :D !
Anoniem zei…
Een beetje masculien?
Jirina zei…
Een kunstenaar werkt vanuit frustraties in sommige gevallen...

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