Photography project

 I have been visiting neighbors. Who I have asked to help me with my project.
I have had some very interesting reactions where I can work with. I will post my findings soon.

To be continued! 

First design for the book:

Still working to refine it.

Test prints, to select the right paper and the size of the text. 
When everything is correct and in position I can print it and bind the book tomorrow.

I will post some photos about the process tomorrow.

First I had to fold it

Then make holes

To eventually stitch the papers together

Then when everything is stitched well,
I glued the book at the back, to give a stiff, durable and lasting finish.

Now the book is almost finished. 
It only needs a wrapper and I am going to do that this week.

I am also going to print the poster this week. When both of those things are done the project is finished and ready to be Exhibited

The 24 of june!
At the Van Oldebarneveldtstraat 90
Starts from 17:00 till 21:00
Everyone is invited, there will also be some snacks and drinks.


Anoniem zei…
Hoi Jirina,

Wordt mooi! Jammer dat ik de 24e niet kan (Oerol); zijn er nog andere mogelijkheden?

Frank (nr. 41)
Dag Frank,

Bedankt voor je reactie!

Als deze expo (24/25 juni) afgelopen is, ga ik langs bij het buurt huis.
Misschien dat zij het leuk vinden om een kleine expo te wijden aan dit project. Als dit door gaat dan zal ik hier nog over berichten!

Mvg Jirina

P.s. veel plezier op Oerol!

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