Contemporary drawing: Line as a border

We have had a new assignment. It is called: Line as a border. 
I have to think about borders around me. They can be in various forms as in: Physical, mental, public, private, real or unreal and so on. Materials are free and size as well. 

We had to make a plan about our thoughts about border as a line. 
I haven't had a exact idea yet but there where a few things that where interesting to do experiments with:
* Context as a border
* A map with it's borders
* And then I thought of things that may look like they do not have a border. For example dreaming or internet. But then if you go into that, that is untrue because the border of a dream is waking up and the border of internet is a device.
(With the information I collect I want to see what I can create)

I have been looking into these (living) artists:

What interest me in these artists is: 
The way Simon puts everything in order as we can see in an artwork like 'everything I have'. This is about 1500 things we use in our modern live, but do we need them all to survive?

The way Nedko is playing with the small texts in a space. As a spectator you are sucked into those text like he is almost forcing you to read them, on the other hand they are mostly airy but you can find several layers within them. I like the combination of text to an object.

The way Joseph is using his text interests me as well, he is doing it differently. He has being deaf since the age of 10. He started to collect the notes where people wrote on to ask him things when he couldn't read their lips. These papers (napkins, flyers, recipes etc.) are used in his artwork these days. Here I also like the way they are arranged. (colour, size etc.)

The assignment I am doing at the moment have the following results so far:

This a little book I am making.


Here I want to see if there will happen something interesting while cutting some borders, this is an experiment so I have to see where this will bring me.


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