New Project - Closet with braille covered porselain cups

I just started working on a new project. It is a follow up from the Wine bottle and the Braille project with the drawings translated. 

The idea is: 

A closet for cups against the wall. But not like we know them - staying on the ground - but hanging at the wall. The outline is a frame like we know them around a painting. 

As a base I want to use my drawings again. The 'world' you can see there I cut it in pieces and describe those pieces with text. This text is invert in braille and the braille will cover the cups. So that on each cup there will be a little piece of a big 'world' readable. 

If you have the total work you have a closet full of cups with little pieces of a big 'world' on it. You as an owner/user from these cups can arrange your own 'world'. In most of the cases people with sight are not able to read what is on the cups, so you have the control about it but you have no idea what your doing. This is an interesting idea I like.

In de end you do have the control but still you haven't.

I began making the cups - they have to be big enough so there is enough space for the braille dots.

I am not sure yet if this is the best size, I will experience more.


Unknown zei…
mooi gedraait! ik ben benieuwd naar de groote, wat je zecht.
En de kast, heb je daar al ontwerp ideeen voor? gaat goed!
Ehm ja die kast daar moet ik me eerst nog maar eens even in verdiepen maar ik denk dat ik het niet te ingewikkeld wil maken want het gaat om de inhoud van de kast dus een vereenvoudigde lijst gaat het worden.

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