Critical Social and Cultural issues in Art Education

I have joined this course on Weboodi, the system that let you enrol for classes. I had no idea what to expect, and since I am not really learning to become a teacher I was not so sure about this class, but in the end I have to get enough credits, so I went there to try it. Today was the first class from 17:00 till 18:30. It is an online course, so the first class was on the screen, the teacher was giving a lecture while he was sitting in Ohio. I didn't know what to expect from an online course but it was very interesting so far. They set up everything very well like sound and internet connection. He explained what was the course about. In short version it is about how we identify ourselves, how do you see yourself and how do others see you? How does this effect your way of teaching other human beings the things you teach them, the subjects you choose, do they have to do anything with your background, how you have been brought up, how you see the world. How different identities are sometimes having an advantage or disadvantage, like your skin-colour your gender your sexuality or the amount of money that runs in your family. We are going to discuss all these things and how they effect us as human beings and how they 'change' the way we teach each other.

I am not a teacher, and I did not do any study related to that so far. But I enrolled for this course and this first class made me curious. I am studying at the moment so in one way I do have anything to do with teaching and being teached. Maybe I can learn another side of the way people think. The discussions we are having weekly I think are going to be interesting. I will keep you informed by posting some of the discussions that are going to be held in the future.


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