
Posts uit februari, 2012 tonen

Contemporary drawing

On Thursday I have a class named: Contemporary drawing. Here we get lectures about artists these days who perform contemporary drawing and we get assignments that will bring us further with drawing and our way of thinking. It is all about what drawing does to people in this society, it is not only used to be there as a sketch for the big painting, it is also a way of thinking, express your thoughts by drawing. Here some studies I have been doing so far  Study of an object that was in classroom, giving it another energy by the way it was drawn. I enjoyed to see what happens with the different kind of lines. At the end of the class we did a round and discussed the works we made. One of the other students said this about my work: I think it is the most interesting work to look at, because it is telling some kind of story. I was flattered to hear this, I like to design some kind of world o...


On Wednesday I am doing the course: 'The basics of relief' First 3 lessons we just printed colours on top of each other to see what happens, we tried it with opaque ink, transparent ink and with overlapping both. It was fascinating to see what you could do with just a few colours and a few shapes.. The print First woodcut, I just wanted to try the tools and decided to make my favourite artist: Egon Schiele ------------------------------------------------------------------- But that was just to experiment, now the real work starts. I have decided to make a woodcut named: 'Zondvloed'  Het woord 'zondvloed', afkomstig van het Middelnederlandse  sintvloed , betekent oorspronkelijk  aanhoudende vloed , maar doordat het volksetymologisch  in verband werd gebracht met het begrip zonde , is het eerste lid vervormd geraakt. Oftewel: In het eerste boek van de Bijbel, Genesis ,  staat h...

Discover Atlantis

On Friday I have drawing class from 09:00 till 17:00. The first class was about making a plan what you are going to do.  This is the plan I made:  It is about a journey, searching for atlantis, the not existing land. I am going to draw the journey and everything that happens while I am/we are on the trip. The pictures above give an impression about what can happen.